2025 Member Renewal

Annual Membership Fees are due on October 1 of each Year. Failure to submit membership dues within ninety (90) days of the due date (January 1, 2024) shall constitute a resignation of membership license and may require a new application for reinstatement. (Refer to Bylaws Article 1: Section 4.)
Section 1: Personal Information

This information will be used to update our Member Directory. Please ensure that your information is entered in accurately. 
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Section 2: Ministry Update

Section 3: Payment

Please use your current credential level to select the correct membership fee.  Missionaries and Golden Agers (65+) qualify for a reduced rate regardless of credential level.

Ordained Minister - $275 (+ $8.5 processing fee)
Licensed Minister - $250 (+ $8 processing fee)
Exhorter - $150 (+ $5 processing fee)
Missionary - $150 (+ $5 processing fee)
Golden Ager - $150 (+ $5 processing fee)

(Please Note:  Included in the total fee is the online processing fee assessed to International Ministerial Assocation, Inc. in order to provide its members with the convenience of online payment capability.)

If you are unsure of your membership level, please contact the Member Services Coordinator, at 812-550-1240. You must pay the corresponding fee in order to maintain your membership with the IMA. If you are interested in changing your membership level - you must re-apply for that level, following the process as outlined in the Member Application. Remember, completed applications go to your District Chairman first before being sent to the IMA Home Office.



Annual Membership Fees are due on October 1 of each Year. Failure to submit membership dues within ninety (90) days of the due date (January 1, 2024) shall constitute a resignation of membership license and may require a new application for reinstatement. (Refer to Bylaws Article 1: Section 4.)